Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Outdoor Cooking....

Class 2F shows off what they've learnt in their Home Econs classes! Who's the best chef of them all?

Double Double, Toil and Trouble. I wonder what they are brewing?

Chester and Bandelli seem hungry!! Did the food taste good?

Food, glorious food!

Serving our peers.

What we ate!

Gathering after having lunch...

1. What difficulties did you face?
2. How did you overcome these difficulties?
3. How can you apply these skills when you are back in school?
4. How have you applied what you learnt in your home econs lessons?


Yuying2F2008 said...

put more ingredients

Anonymous said...

trainer help us to cook so we did not do anything at all,but the food was great.should put some none spicy instant noodles in case someone in the camp does not eat spicy foods.

from ViRoY,ChEsTeR AnD GeRaRd

Anonymous said...

It was so diffucult.At least the trainer help us by teaching us how to.

Done by:Alif,Sulaiman,Syazani

Anonymous said...

hmm... I think I saw a few of the students trying hard to cook the food. I hope it was good and filling and you got a chance to apply what you have learnt previously.

- Miss Pok


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