I was dreaming of a campfire, burning clear and bright. Sparkling stars were all above me, upon a summer’s night. I was dreaming that my best friends all were dreaming too. When I woke and looked around me, I saw my dream came true.
Reflection Questions: 1. Did you enjoy yourself? Could you have done anything to help yourself enjoy this event more? 2. How do you think you performed as a class? 3. If you can start over again from the preparation stage, what would you do differently?
OMG... 7 floors??? What if I were to fall? I wanna reach the top and see the view there oh my... she sure climbs fast! I'm reaching the top soon! Cheer me on! Hmm... how can I do better next time? Don't worry... I'm here to support you...
Reflection Questions 1. Yet again, the trainers briefed us about the safety procedures. Can you remember them? What if these procedures were not adhered to? 2. The trainer asked why you are asked to climb the wall. Many of us were stumped. Can you think of other reasons to try rockclimbing? 3. What are some of the things you have learnt in school that you can use in this activity? What other skills are needed? 4. For those who tried, how did you feel about reaching for that one more handhold or foothold? 5. For those who did not try, what stopped you from trying? How did you feel when you looked that your friends who tried?
Listening intently to the trainer... Hmm... Do I look like that? What did I learn in the activity? Hmm... I see myself!
Look here... I look so funny! Hey, what are you looking at? I also want to see! heh heh... I look so funny! I'm tired... Me too... I didn't sleep well either...
Reflection Questions 1. Did the reflection questions posted at the end of each post help you think about what you have learnt in each activity? 2. Many of you were observed to be very tired during this session. What caused this? How could you ensure that you are more awake next time? 3. Some of you finished your comments very quickly. Can you think of some constructive way to use the left over time?
Abseiling and Zipline seemed to be quite challenging... or maybe some of us are getting tired... The ground never seemed so far away... But I think I'm making some headway... Halfway... Know how far you are from where you want to be... Opps... overshot... How far have I gone?
Reflection Questions: 1. Many of you were very scared to go up so high. How did you overcome this fear? Tell us about it. How did you feel after accomplishing the activity? 2. Again, there were many safety precautions mentioned by the instructor. Did you listen carefully today? What do you think will happen if such precautions were not taken?
Getting into our lifejackets. How exactly do we wear these things?
More canoes. Can you see Malaysia?
They're so heavy....
Why are these life jackets on the sand?!?
Teamwork at its best
How many canoes do we have? We need 19 in all...
Putting things in their right place
3 blue one-man kayaks. Who will use these?
Hey, no problem man.... chill!
Is this on right?
I get by, with a little help from my friends!
Hmm... let me take a closer look at the straps...
So many life jackets left over :(
Getting ready for water confidence...
Look ma, no legs! Er... but we are holding hands...
The ones left on shore...
This is how we get into the kayak...
When can I go off too?
Wait! I can't get in....
Finally, all back safe and sound!
Carrying the kayaks back to the launch point
Scenery at launching point
Questions for reflection:
1. Did you apply any knowledge from your science lessons while at the site and while completing the activity? Tell us about it. What was behind the fence at the launch site? How did you know?
2. What are some of the difficulties you encountered during kayaking? How did you and your partner overcome them?
3. What difficulties did you encounter while trying to transport the kayaks from the campsite to the launch point? How did you overcome them?